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COLOUR INDEX 2K ACRYLIC SYSTEM Hand-sprayed colour cards for COLOR SOLUTIONS 2K ACRYLIC Mix System. High precision colour matching. Available in a compact plastic box for easy use and storage.
740 ACRYL NORMAL THINNER High-quality thinner (reducer) Normal with no recycled solvents, to be used for the dilution of 2K acrylic primers, 2K topcoats and basecoats.
741 ACRYL SLOW THINNER High-quality thinner (reducer) Slow with no recycled solvents, to be used for the dilution of 2K acrylic primers, 2K topcoats and basecoats.
742 ACRYL EXTRA SLOW THINNER High-quality thinner (reducer) Extra Slow with no recycled solvents, to be used for the dilution of 2K acrylic primers, 2K topcoats and basecoats.
743 ACRYL FAST THINNER High-quality thinner (reducer) FAST with no recycled solvents, to be used for the dilution of 2K acrylic primers, 2K topcoats and basecoats.